Flights To Spain Cheaper Than UK Rail

Flights To Spain Cheaper Than UK Rail

Two friends living in Birmingham and Newcastle recently treated themselves to a last minute visit to the Costa del Sol for a catch up, after discovering that it was cheaper to fly to Spain and meet up for the weekend than to travel by rail to meet in one of their homes. A train journey for the 400 mile round trip from Birmingham to Newcastle costs £105, while a return flight to Malaga was just £19.98 to fly from Newcastle and €55.29 from Birmingham giving a combined cost of £75.27.

The girls spent two nights in a hostel just a short drive from Marbella which is now more accessible and cheaper to travel to than parts of the UK. More and more people are forgoing gloomy British weekends in favour of escaping to the town’s sunnier climate for a weekend break.

What’s more, for those thinking of investing in a Marbella property to take advantage of whenever it gets too wet and grey at home, the frequent flights from all over the UK and short flight time of around two and a half hours demonstrates that Marbella makes the perfect destination to escape to. Whether it’s for a whole summer season or just for a relaxing weekend.

If you’re looking for a property in Marbella to help you avoid gloomy British weekends, Marbella living would be happy to assist you in your search. Marbella Living has a substantial portfolio of property around Marbella, Nueva Andalucía and the Golden Mile for sale. Please call us on 952 765 428 to discuss your property needs and to arrange a viewing.

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